Salsa Dancing in the Bay Area

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ages: 21+

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Every Monday night, Victoria Ruskovoloshina teaches New York style On2 salsa at Alberto’s in Mountain View.

Footwork and Partnering for men and women will be taught in two levels: Level 1 at 8pm and Level 2 at 9pm. Social dancing starts at 10pm For Private Lessons, contact Victoria at: or via Facebook.


Event: Ladies Styling, Salsa Dancing Lesson, Salsa Dancing Social Salsa Dancing Gifts
Date: Every Monday night
Time: 8:00pm - Level 1
9:00pm - Level 2
Cost: $10
Instructors: Victoria Ruskovoloshina
Address: Alberto's Nightclub
736 W. Dana Street
Mountain View, CA 94041
Get Directions via Google MapsGoogle Map
Contact: (650) 960-3007
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Important: Event times are subject to change. Always double check with the event organizer before making plans.

User Reviews:

Aug 24, 2015 at 12:35 pm

7 people found this review helpful

The clique-ish, small group of regulars and an instructor who does not slow down for beginners made this class none too enjoyable for me, a beginner-intermediate who is rusty from not dancing for a while. Although they claim to welcome all levels I found that you need a definite level of familiarity to keep up. People are nice enough but mostly stick to themselves and don’t dance much with those outside their clique. The partner work was underwhelming and people seemed a little less friendly than in other classes I’ve taken. I might recommend this class for those of at least intermediate experience looking to practice their styling and learn some choreography. Otherwise, beginners and those looking to socialize may want to find a more suitable outlet.

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Aug 10, 2014 at 11:04 pm

5 people found this review helpful

My first on2 class was with Victoria almost 3 years ago. Since then I haven’t stop taking her class on Mondays. She is the best in the Bay Area for ladies styling. Highly recommended!

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Sep 10, 2014 at 12:32 pm

2 people found this review helpful

I love Victoria’s classes!!! She breaks technique down really well and she has great styling. Victoria teaches two classes on Mondays. The first is ladies styling, but it is also a solid foundation in dance technique (basic on2 step, spins, cuban movement) and several men are regulars in this class. Then there is a mixed level partnering class which always has an interesting combination. There is something there for every level. She also watches and gives feedback so you can actually improve in this class. If you want to learn to dance-go to this class! It’s a studio level class in a night club so you can party afterwards (and practice the combination)

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Jan 3, 2017 at 12:22 am

2 people found this review helpful

Victoria’s Mambo Monday classes are outstanding. Her styling is amazing – for both follows and leads – and she is generous with content in every class. I may not remember everything from a class afterward, but I always walk away with at least one or two solid styling or technique tips that carry forward. Victoria has changed the format of the Mambo Monday classes recently to two-levels: Level 1 and Level 2, footwork and parter work in each session. With the levels format, the newer dancers learn solid basics in Level 1 and intermediate dancers are more challenged in Level 2. Everybody wins. The social dancing afterward is great for practicing what we learned in class, mingle with new dancers, and enjoy the DJ’s great mambo music! Highly recommend!

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Mar 12, 2018 at 7:06 pm

1 person found this review helpful

Very true the on2 crowd is very snobby and not friendly at all

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